Corn snakes, also known as red rat snakes, are a large, powerful, and
non-venomous constrictor in the genus Elaphe.
[1] [2] The
species in this genus, along with the genus Bogertophis and Senticolis,
are known as rat snakes. All the species in these taxa are medium to
very large size Colubrids that feed on rodents and other small prey.
[3] The Colubrid family contains over 2,000 species worldwide,
and is sometimes referred to as the "typical snake."
[4] All
snakes, including the corn snake, have been persecuted by man out of
justifiable fear but also ignorance. The corn snake is a prime example
of this latter case, as they are often killed because they resemble a
copperhead (a very venomous species). But the more we learn about
snakes the less needless fear we will have, and the more we can
appreciate their beauty and usefulness. Corn snakes, other rat snakes,
and even copperheads are beneficial predators of rodents, which can
spread diseases and damage food crops.

A corn snake beside a mirror.
Image Source: Jim Simonson / License under Creative Commons 2.0
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In fact corn snakes
got their name both from the pattern on their belly, which looks like
Indian corn, and from old southern farmers who stored their harvested
corn in wooden buildings called cribs. Rats and mice were attracted to
the cribs to feed on the corn, and corn snakes were attracted to the
cribs to feed on the rodents, much to the delight and appreciation of
the farmers. [6] Corn snakes, like reptiles and amphibians in
general, have an amazing metabolism that is able to operate at low
oxygen and blood pressure levels. This allows them to survive long
periods in oxygen depleted atmospheres, which is why drowning a snake
is not effective. And even stranger is that scientists have observed
signs of consciousness from the head of a snake for about an hour after
the head was cut off from the rest of the body. Clifford Warwick
discusses it in his book "Reptiles: Misunderstood, Mistreated and
Mass-Marketed" (1990; Nower Productions, UK). And this is why a
decapitated venomous snake can still bite. It is also why decapitation
is not only ineffective, but quite cruel for the snake. If a reptile or
amphibian must be euthanized, the best way involves a complete and
rapid destruction of the brain; otherwise they are very likely to
suffer enormously for a long time before death. [7] [8]

A young snow corn snake.
Image Source: Photo taken by Corn Snake Pictures & Facts at the San Bernardino County Museum, with permission.
Available in two sizes:
1024 x 768 || 800 x 600
Kingdom: Animalia -- Animal, animals, animaux
Phylum: Chordata -- chordates, cordado, cordés
Subphylum: Vertebrata -- vertebrado, vertebrates, vertébrés
Class: Reptilia Laurenti, 1768 -- répteis, reptiles, Reptiles
Squamata Oppel, 1811 -- Amphisbaenians, amphisbènes,
lézards, Lizards, serpents, Snakes
Serpentes Linnaeus, 1758 -- cobra, serpente, serpents, Snakes
Alethinophidia Nopcsa, 1923
Colubridae Oppel, 1811 -- Colubrids, Typical Snakes
Elaphe Fitzinger in Wagler, 1833 -- Corn Snakes, Fox Snakes, Rat
Snakes, Ratsnakes
Elaphe guttata (Linnaeus, 1766) -- Corn Snake, Cornsnake,
Culebra-ratonera de maiz
Comments: Introduced on Grand Cayman Islands fide Conant and Collins (1991).