This site has tiger pictures, interesting facts, wallpaper, and more. Tigers need
our protection. The more we understand, the more we can do to help save them.
Fact: Tigers are an endangered species. Wild tigers in Asia -- their natural
habitat -- may soon disappear. As conservationist, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, has
been paraphrased: Saving the tiger is a test. If we pass, we get to keep the planet.
Source: Smithsonian National Zoological Park
Fact: Tigers keep their claws sharp for hunting by pulling in their retractable
claws into a protective sheath. Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Fact: Most tigers have more than 100 stripes, and no
two tigers have identical stripes. Sources: Wikipedia and National Georaphic

A Siberian tiger in all his majesty-- and doesn't he know it!
Image Source: Hollingsworth, John and Karen, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Put his highness on your desktop!
1024 x 768 || 800
x 600

You don't want to catch this tiger by the tail!
Image Source: This picture is for this site only.
More tiger pictures and
facts on the next page!
Other tiger sightings on the Web:
Places you can go to help save the tiger:
5 Tigers.org
is the ultimate tiger information center on the Internet.
Definitely worth a visit!
The Save the
Tiger Fund is "dedicated to supporting the conservation of Asia's remaining
wild tigers."
World Wildlife Fund has a very nice website about tigers. They have pictures,
conservation information, and ways you can help save the tiger.
The Carnivore Preservation
Trust is a wildlife sanctuary, that educates the public while saving tigers and
other animals that are no longer wanted.
Kids for Tigers
is a way for children to get involved in helping to save their planet. This website
also has online tiger games and fun activities!
The International
Year of the Tiger Foundation is a "non-profit organization working to prevent
the extinction of the world's wild tigers."
Riverglen Tigers is a sanctuary
for old, maimed, and unwanted tigers. Gifts are tax deductible.
Tiger resources for teachers:
5 Tigers.org teacher's
resources is a wonderful place to go for classroom material and projects!
Download a variety of lesson plans from Kids
for Tigers. (You will need Adobe
Tigers in Crisis is
a beautiful website with information and pictures.
This website has a lot of information
and facts about tigers. A great resource for teachers!
Tigers on the Web:
The Realm
of India's wild & endangered Bengal Tigers. Information, pictures, and lots
The Tiger Foundation
has tiger video clips, wallpaper,
a photo gallery, and tiger sounds!
White-Tigers.org has information
and pictures about these rare animals.
The Tiger Chase
is a ficiton novel based around the South China tiger, by author Andrew McDermott.

Note from the Webmaster: Tiger Pictures & Facts has no affiliation
with the third party links at this website. I'm just a private individual who wants
to help save tigers. Please consider supporting a tiger refuge or foundation like
the ones listed above. Thank you.
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Tiger Roar from simplythebest.net
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