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Orcas and dolphins are both members of the Delphinidae family!
Image Source: Computer graphic imaging by Alan Cole. Used with permission.

Put these majestic creatures of the dolphin family on your desktop!
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Fact: Killer whales (orcas) are the largest member of the dolphin family -- growing up to 30 feet long. Source: Animal Planet

Fact: A pod or group of orcas typically consists of several females (cows), their calves, one or more males (bulls), and juveniles. A stable pod may have several generations of mother and offspring traveling together. Source: American Cetacean Society

Fact: Known as a carnivorous hunter in all oceans of the world, the orca (killer whale) are sometimes called the "wolf of the sea," though there have been no documented instances of orcas attacking humans in the wild. Source: American Cetacean Society

dolphin pictures
A breaching orca.
Image Source: Computer graphic imaging by Alan Cole. Used with permission.

Special thanks to Alan Cole for these wonderful dolphin and orca pictures!
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Fact: Orcas feed upon fish such as salmon or herring, but some populations of orcas use their 46 to 50 conical shaped teeth to grip, tear, and swallow smaller pieces of sea lions, sharks, squid, penguins, and smaller whales. Source: American Cetacean Society

Fact: The dorsal side (top) of the orca is black. The ventral or underside is white. Above and behind each eye is an oval patch of white. Behind their dorsal fin is a "saddle" or patch of pale white to gray. Source: American Cetacean Society

Fact: The dorsal fin of one bull orca reached a height of 6 feet (1.8 meters) -- as tall as a man! Source: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society

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