Green Turtle facts and pictures
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Fact: The top shell of a turtle is called a carapace. The green sea turtles' carapace is not a solid color, but may be mottled in shades of brown, black, gray, yellow, and even green. This makes good camouflage for the turtle.
Source: NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources.

Fact: The white and yellowish shell under the green turtle is called the plastron.
Source: California Reptiles & Amphibians.

Fact: Green sea turtles got their name because they're green, of course. But why are they green? The body fat of the sea turtles are green, because the sea grasses or algae they eat are green.
Source: Office of Naval Research.

A green sea turtle laying eggs.
Image Source: Steve Jurvetson/ License under Creative Commons 2.0.

Fact: Depending on the geographic location, green sea turtles nest at different times of the year, though it typically happens in spring or summer.
Source: EuroTurtle.

Fact: In Sipadan, an island in Malaysia, green turtles mate year-round. There, August is the height of the nesting season.
Source: National Geographic, January 1999, Coral Eden, by David Doubilet, page 22.

Fact: There are many winding caverns under the island of Sipadan. One rock ledge is popular with the turtles, and they go there at night to rest. When they try to find their way to the surface, however, they sometimes become confused in the tunnels and drown. Green sea turtles cannot live without air.
Source: National Geographic, January 1999, Coral Eden, by David Doubilet, page 22.

Image Source: Salvatore Barbera/ License under Creative Commons 2.0.

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Fact: Sea turtles are very good at holding their breath! When resting, they can hold their breath for up to two hours at a time! Never get yourself into a breath holding contest with a sea turtle.
Source: NEFSC Fish FAQ.

A juvenile green turtle feeding on jellyfish.

Fact: It only takes one complete breath for a sea turtle to replace the air in its lungs.

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