The History of AIDS
The history of AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), with
timelines, photos, and links to resources on the Internet. Endeavoring to raise public
awareness through understanding.

Sleeping child on mother's lap.
Source: CDC/Dr. Lyle Conrad
The History of AIDS: Timeline of the History of HIV/AIDS: 1981 - 1987
A Chronology of Significant Events
Source: FDA
(as of 4/20/05)
AIDS was first reported.
FDA received first IND submission for treatment of AIDS.
AIDS identified as being caused by a human retrovirus, Human Immunodeficiency Virus
FDA approved first enzyme linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) test kit to screen for
antibodies to HIV.
On March 19, FDA approved AZT - the first drug approved for the treatment of AIDS.
On April 29, FDA approved the first Western blot blood test kit - a more specific
On August 18, FDA sanctioned the first human testing of a candidate vaccine against
FDA Published regulations which require screening all blood and plasma collected
in the U.S. for HIV antibodies.
FDA completed studies demonstrating the safety of immune globulin products. The efficacy
of viral inactivation and partitioning during manufacturing procedures was confirmed.
FDA revised its strategy for the regulation of condoms by strengthening its inspection
of condom manufacturers and repackers, strengthening its sampling and testing of
domestic and imported condoms in commercial distribution, and providing guidance
on labeling of condoms for the prevention of AIDS.
Next... 1988 - 1990
The History of AIDS © 2005
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