Biggest Tsunami Countdown
The Top Five Biggest Tsunami
Tsunamis have been with us for as long as there have been underwater geologic activity
to generate them. They are commonly caused by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions,
far below the sea. If you were at sea in a boat, you might never even be aware that
a tsunami was passing beneath you. As the force of water nears land, however, it's
destructive power can forever change the landscape, and the lives of the people who
live there.
This is a countdown of the five biggest tsunami waves, in recorded history. Each
tsunami has been judged on a scale of the destruction they caused, and the number
of lives lost.
Biggest Tsunami Countdown #5:
The Chilean Tsunami of 1960 |
On May 22, 1960, the strongest magnitude earthquake in recorded history, occurred
off the coast of South Central Chile. Measuring 9.5 on the Richter scale, it triggered
a tsunami 30 feet high. Source: BBC News To give the respect a 9.5 deserves,
consider this: the 1945 Hiroshima atomic bomb released energy equlivent to a 5.7
earthquake on the Richter scale. The Chilean quake was 9.5. Source:
Nearly fifteen minutes after the earthquake, the tsunami first hit land, flooding
more than 500 miles of the Chilean coast. With the combined earthquake, tsunami,
and mudslide damages, it was estimated that one in every three houses in the earthquake
zone had been lost. Source: The estimated cost was more
than $550 million (1960 dollars), and loss of life was estimated at 2,000.
But the tsunami was far from over. The waves hit Hilo, Hawaii, 15 hours later, killing
61 people and badly injuring 282 others. Because of a confusion over the warning
siren, people returned to their homes after the first wave, only to be later caught
in the deafening 20 foot wave that followed.
22 hours after the 9.5 earthquake, the tsunami radiated from the Chilean epicenter
and reached Japan. For hours, the populace endured waves as high as 14 feet. After
the destruction was over, 122 Japanese people lost their lives to the torrential
water. Source: USGS
By the time the Pacific-wide tsunami had subsided, the total fatalities is thought
to have been as high as 3,000 lives lost. Even though the 9.5 earthquake was the
largest in recorded history, more people died from the ensuing tsunami, than from
the quake itself. Source: Wikipedia
Other excellent sources on the Internet concerning the Chilean
Tsunami of 1960 are:
Note: While other tsunami have taken more lives, and did more destruction
to land, The Chilean Tsunami of 1960 was chosen as #5 on this countdown, because
of the magnitude of the earthquake that started it. Another event that could be #5
is The South China Sea Tsunami of 1782, that killed an estimated 40,000 people. (Source:
National Geographic) The NGDC Tsunami Event Database Search is an excellent
place to find out more about individual tsunami events.