Lion Pictures and FactsPage 6 |
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An African lioness.
Image Source: Kenneth Stansell, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
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Quote and Fact: "Lions become lean and
perish miserably by reason of the decay of the teeth. When a lion becomes too old
to catch game, he frequently takes to killing goats in the villages; a woman or child
happening to go out at night falls a prey too; and as this is his only source of
subsistence now, he continues it. From this circumstance has arisen the idea that
the lion, when he has once tasted human flesh, loves it better than any other. A
man-eater is invariably an old lion; and when he overcomes his fear of man so far
as to come to villages for goats, the people remark, 'His teeth are worn, he will
soon kill men.' They at once acknowledge the necessity of instant action, and turn
out to kill him." Other animals, such as bears, when injured or too aged to
hunt for their normally chosen quarry, have been known to occasionally turn to alternative
sources of food. |
Amazing true fact: "No lion story I
have ever heard or read equals in its long-sustained and dramatic interest the story
of the Tsavo man-eaters as told by Col. Patterson. A lion story is usually a tale
of adventures, often very terrible and pathetic, which occupied but a few hours of
one night; but the tale of the Tsavo man-eaters is an epic of terrible tragedies
spread out over several months, and only at last brought to an end by the resource
and determination of one man." Read the "The Man-Eaters of Tsavo and Other East African Adventures" by J.H. Patterson for more on this incredible true story. |