iStudy Flies - Source
[1] Ohio State University ---New Window
[2] San Diego Zoo ---New Window
[3] MidCurrent: Fly Fishing News ---New Window
[4] University of Arizona ---New Window
[5] Harold Oldroyd, "Dipteran," Encyclopedia
Britannica CD (2004).
[6] University of Michigan ---New Window
[7] USDA Forest Service - Deschutes & Ochoco National Forests ---New Window
[8] Lucy W. Clausen, Ph. D., Insect Fact and Folklore
(New York: The MacMillan Company, 1954), pp. 66-83.
[9] Harold Oldroyd, "Fly," Encyclopedia Americana,
2001, Vol. 11, pp. 471-473.
[10] United States Department of Agriculture ---New
[11] Harold Oldroyd, "Fly," Encyclopedia Americana,
2001, Vol. 11, pp. 471-473.
[12] "Fly," Encyclopedia Britannica CD (2004).
[13] "Fly," Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia
[14] Harold Oldroyd, "Fly," Encyclopedia Americana,
2001, Vol. 11, pp. 471-473.
[15] Lucy W. Clausen, Ph. D., Insect Fact and Folklore
(New York: The MacMillan Company, 1954), pp. 66-83.
[16] Harold Oldroyd, "Fly," Encyclopedia Americana,
2001, Vol. 11, pp. 471-473.
[17] Lucy W. Clausen, Ph. D., Insect Fact and Folklore
(New York: The MacMillan Company, 1954), pp. 66-83.
[18] Scientific Committee on Antarctica Research ---New Window
[19] Harold Oldroyd, "Fly," Encyclopedia Americana,
2001, Vol. 11, pp. 471-473.
[20] Smithsonian Institution ---New Window
[21] Iziko Museums of Cape Town ---New Window
[22] "Fly," Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia
[23] Harold Oldroyd, "Dipteran," Encyclopedia
Britannica CD (2004).
[24] Harold Oldroyd, "Dipteran," Encyclopedia
Britannica CD (2004).
[25] State of Victoria, Department of Primary Industries
---New Window
[26] Harold Oldroyd, "Tsetse fly," Encyclopedia
Britannica CD (2004).
[27] Texas A & M University ---New Window
[28] University of Florida ---New Window
[29] Lucy W. Clausen, Ph. D., Insect Fact and Folklore
(New York: The MacMillan Company, 1954), pp. 66-83.
[30] University of Florida ---New Window
[31] Lucy W. Clausen, Ph. D., Insect Fact and Folklore
(New York: The MacMillan Company, 1954), pp. 66-83.
[32] University of Florida ---New Window
[33] Lucy W. Clausen, Ph. D., Insect Fact and Folklore
(New York: The MacMillan Company, 1954), pp. 66-83.
[34] Lucy W. Clausen, Ph. D., Insect Fact and Folklore
(New York: The MacMillan Company, 1954), pp. 66-83.
[35] Panama Canal Authority ---New Window
[36] Panama Canal Authority ---New Window and Arlington National
Cemetery ---New Window
[37] Panama Canal Authority ---New Window
[38] Panama Canal Authority ---New Window
[39] Sunkist ---New Window
[40] Clemson University ---New Window
[41] Queensland Government Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries ---New Window
[42] Queensland Government Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries ---New Window
[43] "Mediterranean Fruit Fly," The New American
Desk Encyclopedia, (New York: Penguin Books, 1989), p. 803 and Clemson University ---New Window
[44] Clemson University ---New Window
[45] Environmental Protection Agency ---New Window
[46] U.S. Department of Agriculture ---New Window
[47] ReliefWeb ---New Window
[48] Project Gutenberg ---New Window
[49] Wound Management Practice Resource Centre, "Maggots in Wound Debridement
- an Introduction" ---New Window
[50] Lucy W. Clausen, Ph. D., Insect Fact and Folklore
(New York: The MacMillan Company, 1954), pp. 66-83.
[51] University of California ---New Window
[52] University of California ---New Window
[53] University of California ---New Window
[54] University of California ---New Window
[55] University of Minnesota ---New Window
[56] Dietary Managers Association ---New Window
[57] University of Minnesota ---New Window
[58] Center for Disease Control ---New Window and Illinois
Department of Public Health ---New Window